Saturday, June 6, 2009

So Many Chances, But We're Just Too Dumb

Going to Versailles... Got an email from mom that Obama was speaking in Normandy... We wasted 2 hours trying to get a train or rent a car. Completely impossible. Now we hate ourselves, it's raining, and half the day's gone. Hunter says we were stupid cause all our parents told us to go like a month ago, plus we both wanted to... But didn't. Hopefully Versailles is awesome. Oh, and we went to the Louvre yesterday! More info to come...

1 comment:

  1. It might not be on THE day. But going to Normandy next week would still be cool,and less crowded than if you would have made it today. I read an article last week that there is a fair amount of cheap, or even free stuff to do in the area. Sounds like some of the museums might not be so cheap,but some are. Walking on the beach/cemetary is free. There was also something about renting bikes in the area as well.
